Directing Musical Theatre
Recorded On: 08/20/2020
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Theatre Educators Kristie Fuller and Brian Curl share tips for directing musical theatre online or off.
Kristie Fuller
Indian River High School Theatre Teacher
Kristie is an award-winning Theatre teacher from Indian River High School. Several of her productions have received Awards of Excellence in Directing from the Theatre Association of New York State. For over 25 years, Kristie has been the New York State Theatre Education Association (NYSTEA) Curriculum Chair working with Theatre standards revision, curriculum development, assessment and certification. She is currently the Theatre Chair of the Arts Content Advisory Panel and the IAAP Committee at the NYS Education Department. She has been part of EdTA’s SEL Lesson Plan Project, Model Curriculum Project and Theatre Teacher Evaluation Workbook committee. Her Theatre program was recognized as the Educational Theatre Association’s Outstanding School in 2007. In 2012 she was awarded the National Reba R. Robertson Award for Outstanding Theatre Teacher and won the 2017 NYSTEA Rod Marriott Lifetime Achievement Award.
Brian Curl
Teaching Artist
Brian Curl is a performer and teaching artist from New York City who has been a popular presenter at EdTA’s National Conference and the International Thespian Festival. He has served as the director and choreographer for Thespian Musicalworks as well as an EdTA representative at many chapter events.