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Choreography - Level 1

In this level, you will have the opportunity to learn and practice basic dance moves. The final challenge will be to combine the moves and follow along with a dance combo.

On your journey to tackle the Final Challenge and complete the Level, you will need to earn 1 Power Up and gain 3 Experience Points along the way.



In this level, you will:

  • Power Up by making sure you have comfortable clothes and sneakers to move in
  • Gain Experience by warming up and stretching
  • Gain Experience by practicing five basic jazz moves
  • Gain Experience by practicing five basic hip hop moves
  • Take on the Final Challenge by following along to a dance combo

This Level Up Challenge is based on a unit designed and developed by student Thespians.

POWER UP: Get Ready to Move


In this Level Up Challenge, you will be practicing basic dance moves and following along with some dance videos. To power up and prepare yourself, make sure you are ready to move.

TO POWER UP:  Make sure you are wearing comfortable clothes and a pair of sneakers. Also, find a space where you can view your screen and follow along, while also having enough room to move safely.

GAIN EXPERIENCE: Warm Up and Stretch


Now that you're ready to move, you will start off with a warm up and a stretching routine. Warming up your body and stretching out your muscles is important any time you are going to be dancing.

TO GAIN EXPERIENCE: Watch and do your best to follow along to the first 4:35 of this video (source: National Theatre). Take care of yourself and don't force or strain anything.

GAIN EXPERIENCE: Learn Five Basic Jazz Moves


In the article "All That Jazz" on dramatics.org, it is stated that "Jazz dance is a staple of musical theatre – one of those core styles all musical theatre students should have in their repertoire." In this article, teaching artist and dancer Santana Trujillo provides a walk through of how to do five basic jazz steps that every musical theatre student should know.


TO GAIN EXPEREINCE: Read "All That Jazz" and watch the video in the article to learn the following five moves:

  1. Chasse (pronounced “sha-say”) step
  2. Turning step
  3. Point turn/pivot turn
  4. Kick ball change
  5. Pirouette

Do your best to follow along with the video and practice each of the steps as Santana teaches them. Rewind the video and get additional practice as needed!

GAIN EXPERIENCE: Five Basic Hip Hop Moves


The article "Break It Down" on dramatics.org discusses how Hip Hop is a style that is becoming increasingly more important for a musical theatre student to know.

In the article, teaching artist and dancer Santana Trujillo provides a walk through of how to do five basic hip hop steps that every musical theatre student should know.

TO GAIN EXPEREINCE: Read "Break It Down" and watch the video in the article to learn five basic Hip Hop steps that can help you in dance auditions, or step up your freestyle game. Do your best to follow along with the video and practice each of the steps as Santana teaches them. Rewind the video and get additional practice as needed!

FINAL CHALLENGE: Follow a Dance Combo


During this journey, you powered up by getting ready to move. You also gained experience by warming up and stretching, and learning five basic jazz and hip hop moves. Now, using the power up and experience points you gained along the way, you are ready take on the final challenge: putting it together and following along with a dance combination

TO COMPLETE THE FINAL CHALLENGE: Find a video that teaches you a dance combination. Do your best to follow along and learn the choreography.


For a beginner option, you might check out this beginner dancing video (source: Howcast). You can use these dance moves to any song of your choice.

For a bit more of a challenge, you can check out this routine to "This is Me" from The Greatest Showman (source: Beginner Dance Tutorials), or this routine by choreographer Stuart Bishop to "All That Jazz" (source: BBC).

Or, you can find a different dance tutorial if you'd like! You don't need to do the choreography perfectly - just do your best and have fun!


Think you can handle the challenge of choreographing your own dance combo? Prove yourself by clicking the button below and accessing CHOREOGRAPHY: LEVEL 2.
