"Stage the Change" - Social Justice Through a Playwriting Based Curriculum
Recorded On: 12/08/2020
- Non-member - $49
- Thespian Troupe Director - Free!
- Junior Thespian Troupe Director - Free!
- Thespian - Free!
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- EDTA Staff - Free!
Engage your students "arts voices" by using a "playwriting based" theatre curriculum to Stage a Change in the classroom. In this webinar you will learn a collection of strategies to lead your students' to identify their passions and use their arts voices to create work that makes a difference in their community. This work engages students in a personal way and helps to develop them as empathetic engaged global citizens and artists, eventually becoming artists who understand the power of their young "arts voices."
Learning Goals:
- Explore some guidelines to a respectful discovering of students' passions.
- Explore a pathway to begin students on a playwriting journey
- Understand methods using this work to give your theatre program a more prominent place in your community
Length: 60 minutes

Ruthie Pincus
Executive Director - Stage the Change
Ruthie Pincus, Executive Director - Stage the Change, the Arts as a SocialVoice is an award winning high school Theatre teacher at Hauppauge HighSchool on Long Island, New York. Ruthie came to teaching as a professionalactress and director and holds degrees from Michigan State University and StonyBrook University. For the past 21 years she has been teaching theatre andenabling her students to create original theatre pieces based on issues such ashuman rights, celebrating diversity, equality and kindness. By creating thenon-profit Stage the Change, Inc. Ruthie has taken her cause beyond the wallsof her own high school, with her mission of enabling other schools to teachtheir students to use their "theatre voices" to change their world.Ms. Pincus has been published in EDTA’s Teaching Theatre and Stage the Changehas been featured in various teaching journals including Harvard UsableKnowledge. As she continues to teach and empower other students andteachers, her goal is to help to create global citizens among our students andallow them and the communities that support them, to understand the power oftheatre and all of the arts in our educational systems and beyond.