Exploring Identity in an Elementary Theatre Classroom
Recorded On: 09/12/2023
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Join theatre educator Tina Barone in an exploration of a unit on pantomime for upper elementary students that focuses on celebrating each student’s individual identity in order to create a collective identity as a theatre community. As she shares the unit, Tina will provide examples of student work and the amazing impact that celebrating identity had on her students, including better student engagement and a sense of belonging. Take away strategies and tips to use or modify this lesson plan in your own classrooms.
Tina Barone
Tina Barone boasts two decades of teaching expertise. Armed with a theater performance degree and a masters in elementary education from Wagner College, Tina's mission is to unearth the potential within each student. Her classroom thrives on diversity and creativity, cultivating interactive learning experiences. Beyond academics, Tina imparts life skills and values through community engagement and workshops. With an unshakable belief in the untapped potential of all, Tina's influence extends well beyond her 20 years in education, leaving behind an inspiring legacy of empowerment and growth.