Crash Course: Preparing Students for College Auditions
Recorded On: 01/20/2022
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Teachers, you’re probably hearing your students who are auditioning for musical theatre and acting programs use phrases like “prescreens”, “Unifieds” or “audition package” and you may be thinking WHAT? I’m sure you’ve had a student say to you more than once “Can you help me find a monologue for my college audition?” Don’t worry, you’ll leave this workshop with three tools to guide your students through the college audition process and a workbook with helpful links.

Laura Enstall
Audition Well
Laura Enstall, owner and founder of Audition Well, is a St. Louis based college audition coach specializing in college audition prep, acting and acting the song training for high school students in the United States and internationally. She helps students conquer audition fears, stand out in the audition room and find a theatre program that’s a perfect fit! Her goal is to create confident, prepared actors. Follow Audition Well on Instagram for audition tips @auditionwell www.auditionwell.com